As an outdoor enthusiast, I have a large inventory of materials. Whether it is for rock or ice climbing, camping, hiking, skiing or biking, I have a whole room at home dedicated to storing our gear. An important part of this inventory: the bags! Backpacks, carrying bags, are essential for the transport of our tools or clothes to practice different sports.Here we have a bag that is very different from the ones we already own. The Topo Designs Mountain Gear Bag is unique, as is the company.
About Topo designs
Based in Colorado since 2008, Topo Designs makes a variety of interesting products from recycled materials. Designed for both the city and the outdoors, the goal of Topo Designs is ‘’to not have to choose a single path’’. They want to live on both sides of the fence; Their simple classic but well-designed products are versatile and durable. Sustainable and ecological choices are a central pillar of the company, and this, since the very beginning.
The Bag
Here are the different points I have to say about this bag. First, this is not a traditional backpack to make a hike or a long approach. It is a Mountain Gear Bag and is designed to carry a variety of gear. For road trips, camping, climbing or skiing, it is an essential companion for adventure.
1- Lots of compartments; One in the front, two on each side, and a large main pocket that opens from the top. The top can be rolled up and secured with two small ties, keeping the bag open. This feature is particularly useful when it is used as a rope bag for climbing;
2- The main pocket, the inside of the bag, is brightly colored so that you can easily see your items when you are looking for them. In addition, there are two mesh pockets inside, perfect for putting your climbing shoes and letting them ventilate;
3- You can hang gear with carabiners in several places. There are two daisy chains in the front, so this is very useful to hang up your material;
4- This bag is robust but very light at the same time;
5- There are different carrying handles. Two small straps and a long shoulder strap. It’s good enough to go to the gym or climbing walls where the approach is short. However, I find the shoulder strap type bags less comfortable for long approaches. For a longer adventure, I prefer standard backpack straps. But, the strap on this Mountain Gear Bag is quite wide and very comfortable.
6- The zippers are of good diameter and durable, the seams and material are solid, I think it will be very durable over time. This is quality material!

In conclusion
Topo designs has created a very versatile and functional bag with a unique design. I find it particularly beautiful in its shape and multiple colors. There are two models offered. This bag is listed at $180 and I consider that it is a fair price for the quality of this product.
You can have more information about Topo designs here: