When I asked Garneau for a SPD compatible bike shoe that would be good for my mountain and road bike, right away, they offered me the Gravel II. I was thinking of those who are riding several disciplines on a bike and didn’t necessarily want to have more than one pair.

Having my feet relatively wide, they explained to me that the shoe had an extended area (x-comfort zone) to help the wide feet and avoid numbness of the foot. It didn’t take more to choose the Gravel II.

My tests started on my road bike with a cold weather, but it was going to show me if the shoe was as efficient in spring. At the wind level, I didn’t get the feeling of wind coming into the shoe. I immediately thought of the people on gravel bike who even in cold weather rides.. Like me! Didn’t get too hot during the 20 degree temperatures we had too.

My first 100 kilometers was interesting at the level of comfort. I had discomfort at the left foot and made a slight fit in the belt. Then everything was perfect with my 2 feets.

In terms of the stiffness, it is a shoe that in my opinion has a perfect balance. So, a shoe not too rigid like a shoe for the road, but not too flexible either. In addition, the sole is made of rubber for an all-terrain grip. This is what I’m looking for in a shoe.

Having most of the mountain bike tracks closed, I had to fall back on unmarked forest trails for a period of 20 km and the shoe delivered well.

After more than 400 km of road biking, gravel and a little less in the mountains, Garneau targeted just with this shoe. With a sale price of 134$, it’s a great value for money.

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Ever since he can remember he was riding bikes not being attracted to video games. In his teenage years he was racing bikes until he had a big accident that slowed him down and at a certain point he stopped riding. It is few years later that came he back on a bike and got the โ€˜โ€™bugโ€™โ€™ again to be more serious about it and started a bike related blog. It is after a trip during covid that he realized that it would be great to talk about all his outdoor passions but with the perspective to inform the regular non technical people. This is how Allday magazine was born.