Go Xplore is a company based in Quebec,Canada that specializes in overland products since 2011.

Since I began participating in events, I have carried an instant canopy, which takes up a lot of room in my truck bed. He suggested I test his 270 degree awning when I met the company for the bed rack. 


With the bed rack, installation is relatively easy, but it isn’t plug-and-play because it can be adapted to different types of vehicles. The nuts and bolts are supplied but not the washers which I found a bit odd. In my case, I needed to push the bracket to the maximum possible to clear my cab properly. I did not want to add bars on top of the rack since I am planning to install a roof box. I added an additional 1×1 square tubing bar to remove the flex of the brackets.I highly suggest paying your best buddy a beer to help you out.

The bar temporarily installed to verify if it removed the flex of the brackets.


After opening the awning’s protection, you need to undo three straps in order to unfold it, which is pretty simple to do on your own. It comes with one leg that needs to be unfolded and three separate posts that you need to hook onto it when the weather is bad from a handy bag that comes with it. After opening it two times, it will take you about two to three minutes to set it up top.

In conclusion

I was really impressed by the quality of construction and the ease of use of the Go Xplore 270 degree awning. It will sure be a great asset in the events I am attending. At a price of 595$ cad it is a great investment.

You can have more information about Go Xplore here:




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Ever since he can remember he was riding bikes not being attracted to video games. In his teenage years he was racing bikes until he had a big accident that slowed him down and at a certain point he stopped riding. It is few years later that came he back on a bike and got the โ€˜โ€™bugโ€™โ€™ again to be more serious about it and started a bike related blog. It is after a trip during covid that he realized that it would be great to talk about all his outdoor passions but with the perspective to inform the regular non technical people. This is how Allday magazine was born.