I have been looking for months for a bed rack that would fit my Ford Maverick and I did not want the ‘’regular’’ truck bars that you see everywhere.Finally, the answer was 1 hour from my house.
Go Xplore is a manufacturer of different products for overlanding. From bed rack to roof the tent, they are a great reference in Quebec for their product. I actually found the idea of this rack on a local overlanding group. A big thanks to the members for the help with the sizes.
You need an appointment to pick up your products and Dominic, the owner, is a great guy to talk you and really passionate. He showed me few products that he carries, and I must admit I will to go back soon.
The box of the bed rack is fairly big, and Dominic told me that If I follow the instructions properly, I should be able to assemble it on my own. I am not the most manual person in the world, but I have Allen keys and a ratchet kit. It is pretty much what you need to assemble the rack. All the nuts and bolts are stainless steel and is included with the rack. The rack comes also with 2 led spots that goes in the back and luckily with the Ford Maverick, it comes with 12 volts wires to power these on.

With patience (which I normally don’t have) and following the instructions, you can assemble the rack in about 4 hours.I highly recommend assembling it loosely, so you can adjust everything before the final touch. In my case, the bed rack is attached with bed topper clamps since I did not want to drill on my vehicle. I also fabricated 2 brackets to attach my Thule box on top of it.
The rack is really versatile if you want to attach equipment or accessories and it comes with extra nuts and bolts to do so.
The look of the rack on the vehicle is really awesome since it covers almost the whole space of the bed and for $645.00 Cad it is an awesome product that I highly recommend.
You can have more information about Go Xplore here: